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Article Archive For Keyword: Position Sizing

  • David Stendahl And Position Sizing

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...David Stendahl is the portfolio manager at Capitalogix, a Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA) firm specializing in systematic trading. He is also a leading industry expert, author, and speaker focused on the managed futures industry. He also co_created vario

  • Fixing The Flaws In Fixed-Fractional Position Sizing by Christian B. Smart, PhD

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Fixing The Flaws In Fixed-Fractional Position Sizing by Christian B. Smart, PhD Fixed-fractional position sizing is a time-tested method for money management, but in the long run, it will never achieve system expectancy. Here's how you can fix this flaw

  • Position Sizing Basics

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Are you giving enough consideration to this very important part of the trading equation?

  • Position Sizing For Optimal Results by Bo Yoder

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Position Sizing For Optimal Results by Bo Yoder Carefully choosing position sizes can lead to consistent returns. Position sizing is a facet of trading that is often misunderstood and has the potential to dramatically affect your returns. After all the

  • Position Sizing In The Spot Forex Markets

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Wouldn't you like to know exactly how much you are risking before you enter a trade? Find out how to do just that before placing your next trade.

  • Position Sizing With Monte Carlo Simulation by Michael R. Bryant, Ph.D.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Need to know how much to put on your next trade? You can figure it out with 95% reliability using this simulation technique. Consider this: Jane and Joe started trading the same Standard & Poor's 500 futures trading system at the same time. They each be

  • Risk Management, Position Sizing, And Probability by Brian Auit

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Risk Management, Position Sizing, And Probability by Brian Auit Implement a well-planned strategy before initiating your next trade so you can sustain losses. This methodical approach allows you to consider all the factors before initiating your next tr

  • Risk, Volatility, & Position Sizing

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...This may be the insight you wish you had gotten when you first started trading, and it's something every trader can benefit from. You can attain a positive skew for your trade outcomes if you start with the correct position size for each trade. Find out

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